Browsing Archive: January, 2013

Amazing and Inspirational

Posted by Michael Kett on Thursday, January 31, 2013, In : Cool stuff 
I attended a magic convention this past weekend.  I've been attending this convention with my best friend since 1994.  During those years I've seen a lot of tremendous magic.  But this year I witness something beyond magic.  Mahdi Gilbert is a young man from Canada. Yes, he is a magician but his ability transcends magic to true inspiration.  Mahdi has significant physical challenges.  He was born with severe birth defects, including not having any hands.

Mahdi performed for 500 magicians last ...

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Hiring the best entertainer - Part 3

Posted by Michael Kett on Tuesday, January 29, 2013, In : entertainment 
Here are the last few suggestions to hiring a great entertainer for your event:

6) What do you charge? This is a pretty obvious one. It may be the first thing you ask a prospective
entertainer. Be certain to find out if that is the total fee! Some entertainers charge mileage, hotel
room, meals and more which is fine, just so long as you know about it in advance and are prepared for
it. Nothing will make your accounting department angrier than getting a bill for an expense account
they knew nothing...

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How to hire the best entertainer - Part 2

Posted by Michael Kett on Thursday, January 24, 2013, In : entertainment 
Three more considerations when hiring an entertainer...

4) What type of set-up is needed?  A very common problem is to have a stage on one side of the room, the audience on the other and a large dance floor separating the two. This separation will kill a show! There will be no interaction possible and the entertainer will have to come down from the stage to relate with the audience. This will severely hurt
timing as well as sight lines for those in the back. A great idea is to have the event st...

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How to hire the best entertainer - Part 1

Posted by Michael Kett on Tuesday, January 22, 2013, In : entertainment 
Here are some basic but important tips to consider when hiring an entertainer for a corporate or private party:

1) Begin with someone you have already seen or someone that has been recommended to you. This is
your number one resource by far! If you haven’t personally seen an entertainer that meets your needs,
ask your friends, colleagues and family. It is much better to get someone you can trust right from the
2) Ask for references and call them! If the performer wasn’t personally recom...

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Back from Florida

Posted by Michael Kett on Friday, January 18, 2013, In : lip prints 
I just returned from speaking about geriatric rehab to physical and occupational therapists in Georgia and Florida. The programs went well but the highlight for me was the 75 degree temperature compared to the 20 degree weather I left in Chicago. I always tell my seminar participants about my background and interests (including my lip print reading, flea circus and mind reading shows).  Upon request I did 5 lip print readings during lunch!  Here is a link to a quick lip print reading for Mick...
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More to me than meets the lips: a brief autobiography

Posted by Michael Kett on Monday, January 14, 2013, In : lip prints 

As Ray Charles put it, Georgia on my mind.  Florida too.  The American road is calling my name and I’m answering its siren-like call.  I’m leaving tomorrow and will be gone for a week, running seminars for therapists.  I’ve been a physical therapist for more than 30 years.  I travel nationwide on a month by month basis to present one day seminars to therapists on Geriatric Rehab.   

I’ve also been an entertainer for more than 20 years.  Initially, I was a magician, but over the pa...

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What hand makes your lips?

Posted by Michael Kett on Tuesday, January 8, 2013, In : lip prints 

How many of your fondest memories and proudest triumphs are centered on the lips – either yours or someone else’s?  I was recently speaking to a writer friend of mine who told me he vividly remembers every girl he has ever kissed.  Not every time, mind you, but the first time.  No matter the context, he told me, it was always magical.  With one girl in particular, he remembered the way the dim bar lighting seemed to illuminate her lips while she was throwing darts.  I just can’t shake...

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What is Lip Print Reading?

Michael Kett Lip Print Reading is personalized entertainment that is all about the guest and not the performer. Perfect for cocktail hour, corporate/private parties, weddings, birthdays, and anniversaries.